Stephanie Brooks-Wiggins

Stephanie Brooks-Wiggins

Treasurer and co-founder

Stephanie has worked in the field of HIV for over 30+ years. First, as a volunteer for HERO, then as Editor of a newsletter for People Living With HIV/AIDS through the PWA Coalition during the early 1990’s. She has served as President of the PWA/HIV Coalition, the Planning Council for the EMA of Maryland and as a consumer advocate and spokesperson in the HIV Community. Stephanie co-founded OWEL, Older Women Embracing Life.  Currently, she is the Co-Chair of the Baltimore City Health Planning Commission which oversees HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Baltimore. A commissioner appointed by the Mayor on the Commission for Aging through the Baltimore City Department of Aging and Care.

Robbin Alexander

Robbin Alexander

Meeting facilitator/event coordinator

Robbin Alexander currently works at Sinai Hospital as a HIV/AIDS Community Outreach Worker/Service advocate in the Park Heights Community and other locations. Ms. Alexander is the Group Facilitator Of OWEL (Older Women Embracing Life), Member of Baltimore City HIV Planning Committee and on various committees through out the city of Baltimore. Robbin does HIV/AIDS prevention education in various schools in the community, prevention presentations in local health facilities, and youth centers throughout the city.